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Attendance Setup

To view the basic steps to setup Alt go to Module Setup page.

Following are the steps to configure Attendance:

1. Master creation for Attendance module.

2. Method to be used for Marking Attendance.

3. Required module configuration.

4. Creation of Regularization reason.

5. Creation for Roasters & Shifts.

6. Creation of Workflow & mail template configuration

7. Required form configuration for Attendance module menus.

8. Creation of Employee group & Holiday Calendar.

9. Entries in “HR scheduler� by using menu (Scheduler Configuration) which is in Admin Portal.


The above steps are described in detail below:

1. Master Creation for Attendance module

We need to create below masters which is required to start attendance module setup in Alt. Below mentioned category wise master needs to be created under Content Type. For more details on how to create Content Type, click here.

    a. Roster Type

    b. Shift Type

2. Method to be Used for Marking Attendance

Method used for marking attendance is required to setup application accordingly which helps system to give desired output. List of methods used for marking attendance are:

S. No. Method for Marking Attendance Method to be Opted If Column  D is Yes If Column E is Yes Requirement Doc
1. Biometric/Card Punch In SELECT Refer the attached document and provide data accordingly. N.A. Click Here
2. Web Punch In/ Out SELECT IP Restriction is required. Provide ID address.  
3. Mobile Punch In/ Out SELECT Geo-Fencing is required. Provide address of work location, Latitude and Longitude in attached format. Click Here

3. Required module configuration

Module configuration is required to setup application as per client requirement which helps system to give desired output. List of module configurations of ATTENDANCE module:

Module Configuration Value
Attendance Days 45
Days Regularization 14
Approval_Cut_Off_Date_Value 25
Cut_Off_Date_Value 23
Attendnace_Cycle_Start_Day 21
Consider_Payroll_Cycle_End_Date 0 = Not Consider
Day_Of_Month 0
Ot_Hours_Check_Not_Required 0
Single Punch Present FALSE
Day_After_Joining_To_Default_P 5
Attendancedaysfuture 10
Shift_Hour TRUE
Working_Hour TRUE
Grace Period 3
Punchout Threshold Time 300
Current_Day_Validation_Flag 1-Yes
Absent_Days FALSE
Regularization_Validation_Hrs No
Day_cut_off_L1_Grace 4
Default Present to be marked for all Employee Yes

For more details regarding how to configure above mentioned configurations, click here.

4. Attendance Regularization Reason Setup

For regularization, we need to create Regularization reason. For creating regularization reason follow the below mentioned steps:

      a. LOGIN into Admin Portal with Admin credentials and follow below steps:

      A.1 Go to ---> Attendance--->Regularization Reason Type


5. Creation of Rosters & Shifts

      a) For roster creation, follow these steps:

      A.1 LOGIN to Alt Worklife as admin and follow below steps to create roster.

      A.2 Go to ---> Attendance---> Configuration---> Rosters


     b) For Shifts creations, follow these steps:

     A.1 LOGIN to Alt Worklife with admin credentials and follow below steps to create roster.

     A.2 Go to ---> Attendance---> Configuration---> Shifts


6. Creation of Workflow & mail template configuration

For creation of workflow, login to Alt Worklife as admin. After that follow the required steps to setup workflow & mail notification. For creation of Workflow, click here.

7. Form configuration for Attendance module menus

For all Attendance menus, you need to do form configuration otherwise all forms will be blank. For more details on How to do form configuration, click here.

8. Creation of Employee group & Holiday Calendar

Employee group creation is required for setting up holiday calendar. Need to follow these below steps:

    a. Employee group creation & their mapping with Holiday Calendar policy - You can create employee group by using required

        parameter which comes during employee group creation. And after creation, you also need to map group (which has to be

         used for holiday config) with “CALENDAR-HOLIDAY-POLICYâ€?.

     b. Holiday master creation and employee group wise holiday assignment - Here, user can define holidays as per their created

          employee group. Holiday master is required to show holiday in the attendance record.

9. Entries in HR scheduler

This is nothing but an entry required for system to understand that system has to process Attendance of the users for the organization.